While I appreciate--oh so genuinely--your efforts to engage me on some kind of personal level in the tv show Burn Notice, about a former CIA operative who kinda sorta does what The A-Team used to do in the '80s, with his girlfriend, a former IRA participant and current explosives-and-gun nut, and Bruce Campbell, I'm afraid that I'd really prefer it if you'd just continue to blow things up, go pkew! pkew! with guns, and try to dig yourself out from under the massive pile of conspiracy you've heaped on yourself. Thanks! Love the Facebook Fan Page!
PS I have asked you nicely many times: please make Cody Bell take off his shirt.
PPS The next villain is going to be Doctor Octopus, isn't it?
The return of the non-dog version of David Vickers, handsome in a full-length cashmere coat, a newly acquired(?) distinguished patch of white in his hair, and his amazing ability to ruthlessly jab me in the funny bone. I agree with Tina (uh, as she was looking for Princess David Vickers, her dog): come back, David Vickers, you naughty girl!
Austin Peck as Rick. He's taken the stupidest tertiary character and has made him a constant surprise of verbal and nonverbal comedic delights. I mean, if you have to spend time with all those Fords and Starr's vapid songstress storyline, you might as well do it with Austin Peck doing his imitation of Dani, talking about unicorns and boy bands. (Side note: the song "One Life to Live" and Rick's threats about eliminating it...boy, I shouldn't laugh at that sort of thing and encourage fourth-wall breaking bologna, but I can't help myself).
Byooooooooooootiful Téa Delgado who is sweeping around in her byooooooootiful cardigans, crying and being preggo...byoooooooooootifully. AND she's still the most bad-ass, smart character on the show, working to get Clint temporary release to be a part of Natalie's gross sham of a wedding.
Equally byooootiful Blair, gettin' some in her sexy leather skirt (I mean, let's ignore the implication that Tomas Delgado is a two-pump chump). I wish someone would layer my hair like hers. Her layers are rad. And she's a good friend to Tea and had the best showdown with David Vickers (cashmere version, not dog version).
Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd (with the exception of his stupid ghost-brainwash mother hanging around; I wish Todd would go on medication, if only to rid us from hamtime).
Sam and his "magic wand." HAHAHAHAHA x 1,000,000. That kid is the best, pee hands aside.
Jessica: I've decided I'm going to root for her, even though her wardrobe continues to be ridiculous and she insists on bonding with that dingle Ford Ford. Because at least she's being sincere and isn't rolling her eyes and being a big ol' bitch, Natalie, you big ol' bitch.
Viki and Clint inching closer to a reunion. Tee hee!
Though the show has temporarily put the breaks on the Gigi as Stacey with Gigi's Face But It's Really Gigi storyline, but has somehow allowed for Rex to continue his dippy frowny-face routine.
Natalie and (I still love you, Tanner Scofield!) John McBainand Brody: I get that this is something soaps like to do, but it'd be nice if I could root for one person in the midst of this never-ending paternity/wedding mess. But Natalie is awful, John is an impotent mopeus, and Brody...well, I think I'd like Brody better if he were full-on, balls-out evil, rather than this doorstop-wedging incompetent evil that he is.
Roxy: normally her hamtime doesn't super irritate me. But shut up, squawkbox. God almighty. If she said "Johnny" or "Natty" one more time this week, I would have reached through the screen and knocked her garish centerpiece/hat off her wig.
Lack of more Tina and Cord post-reunion. Boooooooooo!
No Cutter either. Boooooooooo the sequel!
Shaun and Vivian's relationship drama. Maybe have them on more than once a lunar cycle, and I'd feel more invested.
Tomas Delgado Investigates. Can't that dude just paint some more or something?
This whole business with Jack and Neela. As fond as I am of these romances of convenience on soaps, the way this is playing out concurrently with Jack's poorly executed arson is ??? Also: Jack's "attraction" to Neela being communicated via stuttering and accidental gallantry kind of makes sense for the character, I guess, but it doesn't make it any more painfully crapful to watch. Seriously, this is all like a super-awful teen adaptation Mississipi Masala (from what I vaguely recall of the video box I saw a few times at Mr. Movies before I elected to rent something sans Denzel Washington).
While the paternity of Liam shenanigans have gone on for what seems like a Sisyphean eternity, so help me, if Princess David Vickers runs up the aisle of the church with the paternity test in her mouth, I may have to reassess my constant irritation and complaining about the storyline.
Watching Once Upon A Time. Not sure why. Several people over at the LiveGurnal think it's lovely and involving and exciting. I am a killjoy and think none of those things. I mostly spend the show wincing at the dialogue and the delivery of said dialogue.
Burn Notice has begun again. It is pretty okay. I'm sorry to be one of these people, but at this juncture, this would be a far better show if it were about everyone but Michael. Also, I predict that next season's villain is going to be Sylar, and he will be invincible. The End. (Heroes is still topical, right?)
I have not watched the last two episodes of Glee. Kinda thought I was going to be done with the show, but then I saw a clip of Mercedes and Santana doing an Adele mashup, so I'm hosed and probably going to catch up eventually.
I've been watching Psych again. It's fine, I guess. I thought the whole "Shawn is gay hahahaha!" joke last week was puzzling. Is that a thing that show does now? Make slightly homophobic funnies?
I don't feel like watching more Friday Night Lights unless I'm with people to talk to about it immediately and stuff.
I sound sort of depressed in this post, don't I? "TV: Meh." That's not my usual position on matters.
But there it is. I guess my problem, besides not watching more Friday Night Lights, is that I'm squirreling away the OLTLs too.
I read a Georgette Heyer. Title April Lady. It was a cool concept--the two lovebirds are already married and have to discover that they love each other--but it got a little too A Flea in Her Ear at the end. Lots of running in and out of doors and misunderstandings and drunken shenanigans.
As a part of a generous 2011 City of Chicago grant, "Boobs" was created as part of an art commune project known as Lane Tech. A piece known both for its playful use of a gritty, urban medium, as well as a direct and forceful, rather than sublimated, sense of sexuality, "Boobs" recalls the satirical works of Banksy and the vibrantly Rabelaisesque wordplay of Charles Bukowski, all while remaining confidently original.
"Boobs" will be on display at the northeast corner of Addison and Western from now until the first solid snowfall.
One of the best Communitys of the season, in my opinion, but I'm a sucker for Troy-centric stories (yeah, yeah, and old Southern gentlemen with ivory toupees). But I think it behooves me, in honor of Jerry Minor's guest turn, to share one of those rare things that just gets me laughing and laughing so hard that I can't stop (and then eventually I do stop, but boy, do I hurt):
2. Also good-funny yet very touching and thoughtful: Parks and Recreation. I can't bear much more of Adam Scott and Amy Poehler looking longingly at each other, though. That hurts my insides in a different way than being up in the club, rollin' on dubs. And sweet relief, Rob Lowe's hair is back to normal. In closing, I hope Donna and Jean-Ralphio make some webisodes real soon.
3. I didn't watch The Office because our DVR has short-term memory loss and deleted our series record. Good news, though: I think our DVR is close to solving the mystery of who killed his wife (spoiler alert: probably Joe Pantaliano...or him).
4. I got a real case of Decemberists exhaustion thanks to my Shuffle's ob-session with playing tracks from Hazards of Love, particularly the Prelude that begins with 40+ seconds of silence. I recently saw them on Austin City Limits, and I have fallen in love with "Rise To Me."
5. I'm also really liking Ryan Adams' Ashes and Fire."Lucky Now" is beautiful.
6. I like mopey music. Also, I'm about a year late on the stuff from The King Is Dead. Better than the time I was all "Oh, Mumford and Sons are super good!" three years after everyone was talking about them.
7. I am reading a Georgette Heyer novel since 3 hours ago. It's futile for me to pretend I keep up a regular reading habit. Anyway, the title is April Lady, and it's about a married couple who are in love but due to Regency-era blah-de-blah, neither of them know it. I'm only 30 pages in, but I kind of get a kick out of the whole premise. And I really, really wish BBC would film some adaptations of these books. Richard Armitage needs work, and I need to see Richard Armitage work.
8. I am still watching One Life to Live. Nothing is finer in this whole wide daytime world than when supercouples begin the road towards each other (again) (some more). Tina and Cord's literal roll in the hay was effing delightful (pun...sort of intended?), and Todd's Sherman-like march to Blair is about as amazing as daytime monologuing gets. Minus his dead mother flashbacks or hallucinations or ghost-chats or whatever. But I'm not a fan of that unless it's two dads and one of the dads is played by Joseph Campanella.
9. Is it cool if I skip this week's ep of Glee? I heard that Brittany and Santana make some progress, but I need to know how great/cute it is and if I'm allowed to fast-forward through any of the "comedy" with Sue.
10. I'm looking forward to reviews of Tower Heist. Not in a Love Guru way, exactly. I think it looks like a fun way to pass time, and I half-considered going this weekend. But early reviews have not been promising. So if it's going to go that way, I'd like it to go big.