What a patchwork quilt...if a patchwork quilt were made 50% from lovely squares of fabric and 50% from used coffee filters and ham chunks.
Kurt and Burt scene? Great.
Kurt and Brittany scenes? Great.
Brittany and Santana scene? Great.
On the other hand:
Sue's continuing awkwardly scripted, thoroughly stupid crusade against the arts? Dumbo.
The return of Shelby? Sort of emotionally resonant, I guess, but also poorly thought out and clearly not intended to be a long-haul kind of arc, when really, an open adoption and its impact on both the adoptive mother and the teens could be an entire series on its own.
Rachel and Finn? Look, they're clearly not my thing anymore, and this exploration of Finn's crappy dancing as a metaphor for his divergent life path from Rachel is, indeed, crappy--in an unintentional sort of way. I guess if the show seemed more aware that teenagers always believe they are meant to be together forever and that they usually face pragmatic change like "You're a dumbo who can't dance, and I'm going to be a bright shining star" with glazed-over insistence that someone isn't a dumbo...but the show wants to have its grown-up cake while frosting it with teen 4EVAH Finnelberry or what-the-fuck-ever Funfetti. Look, show, you're not My So-Called Life (which I only half-watched) or Freaks and Geeks. Commit to being an overidealized, larger-than-life view on teen life and love because that's where you've got some muscle. You left behind "dark exploration of the disappointing journey from child to adult" about 2+ seasons ago.
Kurt being too gay for musical theatreeeeeee leads? Excuse me, have the
writers ever, ever, ever, ever, ever been to a Broadway show? And if
this is the way they intend to inject conflict into Kurt and Blaine's
relationship... I suppose could trust a show less to handle the layers and
intricacies of a matter such as this, but Jeezy Creezy, I don't know how that's emotionally possible.
Speaking of Blaine...
"'There are so many other characters on the show that I'm actually more excited to see, though. Blaine has had his time in the sun and I think it's time to focus on other people - there are so many other stories to be told that I'm curious in as a fan."
--Darren Criss in a recent Marie Claire UK interview
Yes, let us see how that's going for our darling, modest, "perfect" non-lead:
UGH. I am not looking forward to this one.
ReplyDeleteHere is the problem with Blaine: Ryan Murphy is in love with him, and thus he can do no wrong. Even when even the ACTORS think he is camera-hogging it too much.
You're absolutely right: I read somewhere that after the baseball hiatus, they're going to add an eeeeeeevil gay Dalton Warbler who will set his sights on Blaine.
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Basically a straw man to show how perfect Blaine is. Yes, we did not know that, show. Thanks.