Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Well, it's not like he's the Crypt Keeper, but even Judd Nelson looked more like he belonged in high school

It's pretty funny that this week's Glee ep referenced a John Hughes movie, since from what I recall of movie trivia, a lot of the Hughesian cast members were well clear of their teens when stepping into roles in The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off (if I were a little less lazy, I'd look up examples, but screw that noise).

Because Johnathan Groff looks about as much like a teenager as Ian Ziering did in the first season of 90210. In fact...

...with the Charles Nelson Reilly neckerchief, he looks almost as much like a teenager as Charles Nelson Reilly.

But I guess some of the girl and guy theater nerds love him. Even if he is the Crypt Keeper's feisty young nephew.

Prom! I mostly liked "Friday" (the various shots of the cast dancing and enjoying the song cracked me up, particularly Santana and Karofsky) and the weightier Kurt and Karofsky scenes. It's nice to have someone who can keep up with Colfer, acting-wise.


  1. HEEEEEE. Lordy, he make CNR look youthful.

    I do not understand his appeal, but it is well established that I am not a theater nerd.

  2. Now I understand why he wore that scarf. To distract from his face.

  3. HA! Unfortunately, every time I saw that stupid neckerchief, I thought "Charles Nelson Reilly!" or "Fred from Scooby Doo!" Not what he was going for, I imagine.
