Thursday, November 10, 2011

TV Listo

  1. Watching Once Upon A Time. Not sure why. Several people over at the LiveGurnal think it's lovely and involving and exciting. I am a killjoy and think none of those things. I mostly spend the show wincing at the dialogue and the delivery of said dialogue.
  2. Burn Notice has begun again. It is pretty okay. I'm sorry to be one of these people, but at this juncture, this would be a far better show if it were about everyone but Michael. Also, I predict that next season's villain is going to be Sylar, and he will be invincible. The End. (Heroes is still topical, right?)
  3. I have not watched the last two episodes of Glee. Kinda thought I was going to be done with the show, but then I saw a clip of Mercedes and Santana doing an Adele mashup, so I'm hosed and probably going to catch up eventually.
  4. I've been watching Psych again. It's fine, I guess. I thought the whole "Shawn is gay hahahaha!" joke last week was puzzling. Is that a thing that show does now? Make slightly homophobic funnies?
  5. I don't feel like watching more Friday Night Lights unless I'm with people to talk to about it immediately and stuff.
  6. I sound sort of depressed in this post, don't I? "TV: Meh." That's not my usual position on matters.
  7. But there it is. I guess my problem, besides not watching more Friday Night Lights, is that I'm squirreling away the OLTLs too.
  8. I read a Georgette Heyer. Title April Lady. It was a cool concept--the two lovebirds are already married and have to discover that they love each other--but it got a little too A Flea in Her Ear at the end. Lots of running in and out of doors and misunderstandings and drunken shenanigans.
  9. I tried to get to 10, guys. I really did.


  1. I have a bunch of OLTL, Glee and Burn Notice stored up that I don't feel like watching right now. I'll catch up eventually. Probably.

    I get the FNL thing, and I will happily watch it with you anytime. I own them all too so you can just ping pong from Kate's to my place and back.

  2. I laughed at your very timely Heroes joke.
