Sunday, March 27, 2011

Netflix Queue Revue

So it's fancy, like a theatrical production, instead of a "review," which is boring and not fancy.

Because let's be honest: my Netflix queue is full of fancy things. Movies, to be specific. Those are the things that are on a Netflix queue. And it's not as though I don't like fancy movies. I have taste in the Finer Things, cinema-wise. But I also:
  1. am lazy
  2. am slow to watch my Netflix selections if I'm not in one of my crazy phases of watching a TV series or stalking/"appreciating" an actor/actress
  3. enjoy cartoons, middling rom coms, and the occasional terrible direct-to-video sequel
I was Twittering with blahmanda last night about some of our commonly shared Netflix afflictions--though, in a bit of irony, I finally deleted Affliction, a That's a Small, Gritty, Character-Driven Indie Film Full of Grizzled Actors I Should Watch Someday, from my queue back in Ought Nine--and in addition to being LOL, it made me really take a look at some of my gobbed-up queue with a critical eye.

Join me, if you will, for an examination of some of my Netflix queue...

Documentaries I Am Totally Going To Watch Because I'm An Involved Citizen of America or The World
The Fog of War (#59)
Into the Arms of Strangers (#89)
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill (#112)
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (#121)
Deliver Us from Evil (#159)

I Put Everything About Gay Culture on my Queue Because Netflix Tells Me To (or I Liked Brokeback Mountain, Opposite of Sex, Jeffrey, and Mad Hot Ballroom, So Certain Assumptions Get Made):
 Kinky Boots (#16)
The Dying Gaul (#19 - I hear Peter Sarsgaard and Campbell Scott make out!)
Beautiful Thing (#24)
Trembling Before G-d (#33 - also belongs in aforementioned Documentary subcategory)
Unzipped (#37 - sorta...though a documentary, I don't think it'll make me a better citizen)
Wilde (#53)
Priest (#54)
Normal (#55)
The Cockettes (#56 - boy, I was on a tear at some point) 
Milk (#202)

Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman (that's a metaphor for how they're not really new releases anymore)
The Departed (#9)
Michael Clayton (#10)
The Prestige (#13)
The Dancer Upstairs (#58)
Syriana (#130)
Notes on a Scandal (#139)
Dreamgirls (#143 - does anyone mind if I just skip this? Sweet!)
The Assassination of Jesse James by the... (#171)
Charlie Wilson's War (#176)
Burn After Reading (#187)
The Hurt Locker (#203)
Inglourious Basterds (#204)

Yep, Still Haven't Seen 'Em
 The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3 the original (#30)
Dog Day Afternoon (#34)
Harold and Maude (#36)
The Manchurian Candidate the original (#47)
My Beautiful Laundrette (#73)
Dark City (#77)
The Exorcist (#87)
Sunset Boulevard (#134)
The Women (#181)
The Spanish Prisoner (#190)

Probably Going to End Up Watching These Some Saturday Afternoon on USA or FX
Salt (#7)
Shoot 'Em Up (#170)
Strange Wilderness (#177)
I Am Legend (#178 - normally blah, but Duse said it was good)
The X-Files: I Want to Believe (#181)
The Blind Side (#208)
Predators (#212 - look, just tell me if Topher Grace is a bad guy; then I'll move it up in the queue accordingly)

There are, of course, other categories: Every Joseph Gordon Leavitt Indie Film From the Early 2000s; Even Though I Heard You Sucked, I'm Still Going To Maybe Watch You, e.g. Time Traveler's Wife; MST3K Eps I Haven't Watched For Some Reason...

Also, I've had the first disc of Lark Rise to Candleford for over a month now with almost no intention of watching it, but I still have yet to send it back. Nevertheless, it'll probably never beat the six month record held by The Lives of Others. Sorry, Germany! I promise to watch the next movie you make that everyone talks about (that should get me five or six years cushion...)

I tell you what I'm really excited about: Street Kings 2 (Release Date Unknown, but Google Machine tells me it'll drop April 19). I plan on doing a full-scale review.


  1. I love Dog Day Afternoon, though I admit I only saw it because I was going through a big Pacino phase at the time.

  2. Your Documentary title had me cackling. In the brief period when I had Netflix, I had similar intentions about all the movies in my queue. Then I sat on two unwatched discs on my coffee table for two months before I gave up, mailed them back, and canceled my account. At least you watch what shows up at your house!

    Is Unzipped about Isaac Mizrahi or porn?

    I will watch The Hurt Locker, the Enron doc, and non-porny Unzipped with you if you ever get to any of those.

  3. Unzipped is indeed the Mizrahi documentary. But funny you should mention porn and documentaries: I forgot about Inside Deep Throat (#91).

    And Annie, I'm sure I'll like Dog Day Afternoon, from all that I've heard. I just have to get around to seeing it. You know, before I die.

  4. I forgot #48: Hotel Rwanda. And I finally, just now, took 21 Grams off my queue. I also have a lot of queue real estate occupied by the Well Regarded British Television Series I Will Get Around To Someday category.

  5. Well Regarded British Television Series I Will Get Around To Someday: Black Books: Series 1 (#18), Tipping the Velvet (#100 - I think it was well-regarded anyway), Clatterford (#150-1), Cranford (#188-9).

    I have never seen Hotel Rwanda, and I swear at one time it was on my queue. I keep voting for it in BWE's March Sadness mostly out of guilt.
